Saturday, 5 November 2011

Somewhere here is a table!

So, some day I plan to make and fill a craft blog of the things I've made. only a slight snafoo... I don't seem to finish anything, even the things that look finished need varnishing, or a lining or a handle... I think it's cos I spend such a long time PLANNING what the finished item is going to look like, and gathering the things I need, that by the time I get 70% through it, I'm bored of it!! Even my new year's resolution was merely to be able to see the finish line before starting a new thing (I've mostly failed and even taken on more things to not finish!!) 
I haven't blogged for so long BECAUSE I'm trying to finish things. but then another thing comes along! 

So my room/studio currently looks like Mr Trebus' house (google him! Mr Trebus A Life Of Grime. He's kind of my mentor :-b) and I'm PANICKING about the mess of the place (I forgot... collections for my ever expanding list of projects is spreading into other rooms now too) as well as panicking about getting not enough done. 

A small sample of what I'm "working on" 
5 bags (different styles - then more in same styles if they work out) 
ideas for my disastrously empty etsy shop
Angels (traditional, gothic, steampunk and nature inspired) from mistreated inherited fashion dolls. 
4 different complex Christmas decorations 
fixing up 2 broken Bratz dolls 
something for all the acrylic eyes that I went mad and bought in the start of the summer (20+ pairs, different sizes) 
3 note book covers (that I decided to make after seeing one thing that I realllllllly liked on one for £100) 
a Halloween book (yep, for THIS year!! I'm about 88% done on it. lol) 
and my project lovingly titled THE MISSION. 
It's not that any of it is particularly difficult or would take a long time, it's more that I just can't settle.

Perhaps this is the cause of my problem?? This tidy specimen is my crafting table. When it was clear I got a remarkably huge amount of stuff done!